Mrs Hannah Smart - Executive Headteacher

Hannah began teaching over twenty years ago and is a secondary English teacher by specialism. Over the course of Hannah's career, she has held a variety of roles across mainstream and special school settings, including Whole School Literacy Leader,  Head of Year, Assistant and Deputy Headteacher.  Hannah is a committed lifelong learner and models this approach to continually learn and develop her knowledge and skills. Hannah holds her NPQH and also further post graduate qualifications in leadership and innovation in education.

Across all my career, Hannah has held system leadership roles, including SSAT Ambassador, Peer Mentor and Chair of Governors. Currently, Hannah is a Specialist Leader of Education and have held this role across the South West region since 2017, facilitating training, mentoring and coaching in the areas of Social, Emotional and Mental Health in school, Positive Relationship Strategies and Teaching and Learning with a specific focus on supporting students with additional needs.