Activate Camps Simonsbath House - Exmoor

Simonsbath House

Venue: Simonsbath, Exmoor, TA24 7SH

Activities provided: Assault course, problem solving team challenge tasks, archery, mountain biking, climbing, high ropes challenge, orienteering, camp fire cooking, shelter building. 

Ages: Primary and secondary


  • Monday 1 August – Thursday 4 August
  • Monday 8 August – Thursday 11 August
  • Monday 15 August – Thursday 18 August
  • Monday 22 August – Thursday 25 August

Booking details: Email, or phone 01643 831382.

Additional info: Transport provided from Ilfracombe, Lynton (mornings) and Barnstaple, South Molton, North Molton (afternoons).