Reading Curriculum
Reading Across The Curriculum
At ACE Tiverton we strongly believe that reading is an essential skill for lifelong success. As such, we ensure that all pupils
- Read easily, fluently and with good understanding.
- Develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information.
- Acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language.
- Appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage.
- Use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas, supported with evidence from the text.
- Are competent in the skills of speaking and listening, asking and responding to questions and participating in discussions, demonstrating understanding of what they have read.
Further to this, we aim to create a reading culture which ensures all children are exposed to a range of high-quality texts across our curriculum, allowing our students to be exposed to a range of technical vocabulary in context.
We aim to help every student read and develop essential skills which are supported by a range of methods across the school. The first being Read Write Inc Fresh Start:
- We identify the lowest 20% of students through their first few weeks with us by undertaking a baseline assessment with one of our RWI team.
- These students then participate in a regular intervention with the focus being on closing the gaps that have been identified, as well as a focus on reading to acquire information. Therefore, developing the essential skills of inference and retrieval practice.
For the rest of the school, we undertake DEAR sessions where students can read independently for pleasure or as a group, so that they enjoy being read to and understand the pleasure of being read to. These sessions take place for all year groups and across a school week ensure students are practising the key reading skills needed for their education. However, it also allows them to read something of their own choosing.
As further support for reading in school, we also use Accelerated reader as a tool to monitor students progress as well as the use of MyOn which is an online library of 6000 books which all students have access to.
Students conduct termly STAR assessments which allow us to track student progress and provides us with key information on areas which students need to work on. This can then be used to inform DEAR sessions and how we can use them to help further develop essential skills within reading. As such, all students should make excellent progress according to their starting points in our school.