
ACE Tiverton Special School is designated as a school for students who have  a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Conditions and related Communication, Interaction, Social, Emotional, and Mental Health needs who are in receipt of an Education, Health, and Care Plans, as specified by the Education Reform Act 1981.  Within that designation, we cater for the needs of students who are placed by Devon County Council’s 0-25 Team as part of placement request from professionals or parents/family within the annual review process.  In addition to their identified needs, students many also have transient or long-term needs in the areas of self-regulation, speech, language, and communication as well as other medical, sensory, or social needs.

Access to the National Curriculum is required for all our students, and the Dearing Report (1995) revised the Orders in each subject to facilitate this.  Where necessary, staff are given the discretion to teach students from Programmes of Study of earlier Key Stages without recourse to formal modification or disapplication procedures, providing due consideration is given to age-appropriate learning contexts.  This means that an 11-year-old student with identified learning delays or needs can be taught those aspects of subjects at Key Stage 3 which are relevant and can be rendered accessible, while at the same time continuing to work on suitable material in the programmes of study at Key Stage 3 and 4. 

The staff at ACE Tiverton will always endeavour to meet the needs of all students within the school, but too wide a range of need, ability or aptitude within student cohorts will impact upon to students’ progress and potential being underdeveloped.

Overview: In line with the school's Admission policy all students should be assessed as part of the consultation process prior to admission:

  • Any student who appears to have additional special needs should be discussed with the local authority and placed on a trial basis, which should also be explained to the parents/family.
  • Quality First Teaching is the primary vehicle by which student’s need are met in the classroom. Appendix A of our SEND Policy outlines the expectations of classroom staff further.
  • In the event of a student's needs not being met within class the teacher should firstly consult with departmental colleagues and then the whole staff for assistance.
  • If the student's needs are still not being met the educational psychologist for the school should be consulted.
  • All 'additional' special needs should initially be assessed, and objectives set for meeting those needs within the personalised learning programme.
  • Concerns over a student's provision at the school should be discussed with the parents/family as soon as necessary by the Head of School and class teacher, in order to agree a strategy.
  • Every student's Education, Health and Care plan is reviewed annually with the parents/family by all professionals involved with the student. 
  • The school has a named Trustee as a direct link, responsible for oversight of this policy.
  • Class sizes should not exceed 10 (unless by arrangement with the Head Teacher).

We offer a variety of specialist interventions using internal and external professionals who enable us to deliver the provision outlined within our students' Education, Health and Care Plans. 

  • Music Tuition - Mr Gaz Chatterton
  • Therapeutic Literacy Specialist - Ms Clare Edmondson
  • Occupational Therapy - Mrs Anna Findlay
  • Music Therapy - Ms Jess Clarke
  • Family Counselling - BOUNCE Therapeutic Services
  • Individual Counselling - provided through BOUNCE Therapeutic Services

We also access specialist advisory services, such as Educational Psychology, Communication & Interaction and SEMH advice from Devon Education Services as well as wider community based therapies such as WAVE Therapy and Animal Therapy through our access to Hope Farm. 

We provide further details of our Intervention Curriculum on our Student Support page.