Whole School Curriculum Statement
At ACE Tiverton, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, within a three-year key stage three programme before moving to a two-year Key Stage Four curriculum that is framed by the requirements of external examination bodies. In all years and at all stages of learning, we provide a rich variety of other experiences which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the students in our school. The aim of our curriculum is for students to achieve mastery of the knowledge, skills and independence required for their next stage of learning, as well as a strong foundation of lifelong learning, employment and success as a member of society.
Our philosophy is to provide a holistic, individualised approach designed to support students in fulfilling their potential. We have a shared vision to embed a nurturing and trauma informed approach throughout the school, as we know that effective learning will take place when relationships are outstanding, staff are confident practitioners and students feel safe in their learning environment. The spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of our students and their understanding of the core values of our society are woven through the curriculum.
We deliver our responsibilities in PSHE, RHSE, Careers and Citizenship through cross-curricular thematic learning called ‘Preparation for Adulthood’. At the heart of this is teaching that enables students to become independent learners, prepared for adulthood and to explore their curiosity of the world. This does not happen immediately, we need to establish routines for learning that are consistent. This allows them to increase their confidence in their own ability as well as in the support you will provide. Our approach to teaching and learning enables us to focus on the needs of the students in each lesson alongside the skills and content their need to progress. Through personalised planning, the resources used each lesson stretch, challenge and most crucially support students to make more rapid progress as learners.
The outdoor environment and the local community are an opportunity for active learning for all our students and the school grounds have been developed, so they can enrich different curriculum areas. Students have opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other learners regularly throughout the year. Developing their independence and motivation as learners and their sense of responsibility as future citizens is at the heart of all our teaching and learning.
Specialist Curriculum:
Our school life and community is predicated on our core values: Respect, Inspire and Achieve. This means that every interaction between students and staff is an opportunity to bring these to life and to model the social, communication, personal and interaction skills and knowledge that are central to securing ‘learning for lifelong success’. Our specialist curriculum is the foundation on which we layer our academic curriculum; without secure knowledge and skills relating to self, it is much more challenging to be a successful learner. Our specialist curriculum is the entirety of our students’ school experience – from prioritising relational practice and securing trust that needs will be met consistently and reliably in the classroom, to the therapeutic activities offered outside the classroom, each element of a student’s learning is driven, through the provision outlined in the EHCP, to secure the very best Key Stage four achievements and post 16 provision possible. Further information can be found within our Student Support overview.
‘Preparation For Adulthood’ Curriculum:
At ACE Tiverton we are developing our own unique strand to the curriculum called ‘Preparation For Adulthood’, aimed at broadening our students’ global outlook and building their cultural capital. It is made up of the following areas:
- Healthy Living (PSHE and Physical Wellbeing)
- Healthy Relationships (Relationships and Sex Education)
- Healthy Futures (Careers and Enterprise; Citizenship; British Values and Morals)
- Life Skills (Independent Living; Preparation for Adulthood; Cultural and Spiritual Capital)
- Mental Wellbeing - an ongoing theme that runs through all four of the above strands.
Programmes of study across all subjects will also outline how each unit connects with these areas, in addition to considering how to provide support and strategies in the four areas of need from the SEND Code of Practice:
- Cognition and Learning
- Sensory and Physical
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Communication and Interaction
Curriculum Outcomes
Our specialist teaching staff design each programme of study to ensure full coverage of the national curriculum and preparation for GCSE and other appropriate formal accreditation in all subjects offered in our curriculum.